Thursday, March 14, 2013

To buy or not to buy? Can I sell it? That IS the question...

I have a lot of inventory right now. Not because I am a hoarder (okay, I am), but because when I find a really great piece at a great price, I buy it. No hesitation, no plan of what I am going to do with it, no consideration of having space to store it until I get around to working on it. The most important part of that? The price.

When I find a great piece, and I think it's priced too high, it's not because it's not a good price for that item as is. It's just not a good price for ME. See, I don't buy pieces and just resell them--I transform them. Transforming takes a lot of time, effort, and materials. For example: if I see a great desk (I buy a lot of them, hence two blogs posts on desks) for $100 and it it's in great shape, I have to look at the costs of all that it will take to "transform" it. Let's break it down:

If this desk had been $100.

Most likely, I am going to have to sand it:  Mouse pads $6/pack and sheets $10/pack = $16 and 1 hour of labor to sand it, and that's only if it isn't a really thick layer of poly or 14 layer of latex paint that someone thought would be AWESOME on their desk.

Desk $116 in just material costs, plus 1 hour of labor.

Now that I have it sanded down, I might still need to prime it. If that's the case:  (3) cans of primer $8/each = $24 and about a half hour of labor.

Desk $140, plus1.5 hours of labor.

After all that bidness, it's now time to put a finish on it. I do not love to stain, so I am not going to figure in the cost of that (materials or labor), but I will say that the labor is a lot. Let's say I decide to use chalk paint, milk paint, or any other specialty paint. I like to do two coats, no matter what it is. Quart of specialty paint:  $38, plus 2 hours of labor. I might need a new brush and since I try to use really good brushes, which makes for an even finish, let's just say a new brush is $16. 

*I rarely use the whole quart of paint on any one project, but what is left isn't really enough to do another large piece.

Desk $194, plus 3.5 hours of labor.

If I want to distress it a bit, I once again have material costs--sanding block $5 and Mouse pads (we'll just consider that I didn't use all of the first pack). Let's give it a half hour of labor.

Desk, $199, plus 4 hours of labor.

Wait--that's not it. There is still a top finish, or maybe even some dark wax that goes on before I can even get to the top finish! Since I tend to not dark wax an entire piece, I am also going to leave that out of my little estimate here, but dark wax is about $45/tin. If you use all over on a large piece, you can easily use about a quarter of a tin! The labor is crazy--just imagine wiping on and wiping off Crisco (but less pliable) on an entire armoire. Sounds like a party, doesn't it? So, back to the final finish--I like a satin clear coat. A desk takes about 4 cans of clear coat, if done correctly and for a smooth, even, durable finish. The clear coat I use is $8/can. Used labor is about 20 minutes 3-4 times, but I'll just keep it at an even total, and estimate the total labor up until this point at 5 hours.

That $100 desk is now up to $231, and there isn't even any labor added to this total, or wax.

Even knowing all of this, I tend to end up cutting my labor charges way down on almost every piece just to keep the end total down, which sounds like I am kind of getting the shaft on the only thing that doesn't come out of my wallet! Thank goodness I love what I do!

So, the next time you wonder why you saw a desk at that yard sale for $100 is not going to be $100 when it leaves the porch, you know a little bit about why.

There is a lot of material cost, time and love put into each Porch Productions piece, so I hope that you feel the love coming off of it every time you look at yours!

Want to see how this desk turned out? Visit tomorrow to find out!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, sweetie! Although it's a blast, it's also a business! You know that as well. :)
